Monday, June 18, 2012

June 13 -- farmers' market


Walking to the farmers' market.  Chicory growing between the sidewalk and the curb.

One of each, please.

All of those very warm days we had in January and February have played havoc with Michigan's stone fruit crops.  Many farmers have lost 100% of their stone fruit for 2012.  In our area, the damage was less than along the Lake Michigan shore, but some farmers here also lost 100% of their crop.  

There were cherries at the market, on the 13th.  They are delicious.  We are savoring the cherries, knowing they will be limited.......

(Those are last year's apples.  It's way too early for apples.)

So many foliage colors and textures.....

Walking away from the market.  Zinnia.


Love the colors.  Love the textures -- the powdery pollen, the crinkled edges of the petals....

The previous is a bit more magenta than I remembered.  I selected all the reds/magentas in Photoshop Elements, and then pushed the hue slider, looking for less magenta and more orange.  This is NOT what I remember, but I like it!

Black-eyed Susan.

A closer crop of the prev, showcasing the little bitty star shapes around the edge of the center, and the shadows.  (As always, click on an image to embiggen.)

Squash blossoms.

BIG, YELLOW flowers.

Lawn-extension raised bed.  Very productive -- the squash shown above, and kale and two kinds of chard, and some other greens.

All of the plants looked perfect.  This makes me suspect they have been doused with poison.  I am coming to think that either we will have bugs, or we will have poison.  It seems so odd to me that we so readily choose poison over a few bugs.  Most bugs are pretty harmless, and if we eat healthier food (with no poison on it) which happens to have a few holes where bugs have chewed, I suspect that's a good thing........


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