Saturday, October 06, 2012

September 29 -- at Zingerman's


On the 29th, I collected (pics of) excellent labels.  Don't the labels make you want to buy them?

This is Australian olive oil.

Love the black-on-black bird and plant..................

This label includes the building where Zingerman's deli lives.

I tried this.  It was yummy!

I also tried some granola, and some first-flush Darjeeling tea, both of which were also yummy.

Birthday chocolates!

Here is the treat I enjoyed that morning.  This Spanish "drinking" chocolate was the special drink at Next Door for September.  I wanted to try it, and, finally, on the 29th, I did.

It's cute.

A leetle cup, with a tiny leetle spoon.

It was delicious.  Very dark, very deep, very creamy.

You can see why I put "drinking" in quotes -- this was the consistency of pudding.

Sometimes dark chocolate has what seems to me like a chalky aftertaste.

Not this.  This was lovely.  Utterly lovely.

It was the perfect amount, too.  Enough to share a bite or two with companions, and still leave me wishing for one more bite.  Not six more bites, but just one..........

Yum.  I would totally have this again.  If you live in Ann Arbor, and love really chocolatey chocolate, go, on a chilly day, and indulge yourself.



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