Thursday, November 08, 2012

November 1


Walking downtown to have lunch with a buddy.

Locust, with raindrops.

Did you see the teeny pink flower, bottom, right of center?  I didn't, until I saw the image on "the big screen."

Oak, and others.

Oak with raindrops.

I'm going to guess this is zelkova, but I'm not sure.

The oak leaves, just there, were little.

Walking home after lunch.  If I didn't know this was a viburnum, I wouldn't recognize it like this.  This viburnum embellishes the First/Washington/Ashley/Huron parking lot.  It's been there for years, and I walk by there on my way home from work.

I don't remember this kind of color...........

Pumpkin vandal.

Butterfly bush, with new foliage....


Catalpa.  Those are "normal size" oak leaves.  This catalpa leaf is big.  Working on a foot long, I bet.

This linden leaf, on the other hand, is probably under three inches long (about a quarter the length of the catalpa).

Tulip tree.  This particular leaf is probably about the same length as the linden leaf above.  Tulip trees have leaves much bigger than this leaf, and much smaller.

Looking west out the upstairs bathroom window.



Morning Bray Farm said...

I LOVE the pumpkin vandal! What a perfect way to bring a big smile to my face on Friday afternoon. :D

I need orange said...

Happy to oblige. :-) :-)