Monday, November 05, 2012

October 28


You'd think, by now, I'd remember that I shouldn't turn the camera sideways to take movies.

But no.


Anyway -- my point with this one was that the high clouds are going north (left to right, or, sigh, bottom to top), but the low clouds are going south (right to left, or, sigh, top to bottom).  Watch those high clouds, coming up from behind the evergreen.....

It's never good, when the clouds are going in two different directions............

We were under the edge of Sandy, but suffered nothing worse than cold, windy/gusty weather, with a bit of precipitation here and there.  We had the season's first frozen precipitation (those little round balls that are white -- not icy-looking, like hail, but round, unlike snowflakes).  Just a dusting of it, and it melted as soon as the sun came out.

Certainly nothing to complain about, compared to people along the east coast!

Horse chestnut (missing one of its five leaflets).

Burning bush.


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