Monday, January 14, 2013

January 11 -- Willard's walk


The 11th was a global-warming-scarily nice day.  It's really not supposed to be in the mid-50s (F) in January..............

It was like going to the Bahamas -- stepping out the door into a different season.  Yesterday, 20s, today, 50s................  Yesterday, solid snow cover, today, lots of green grass............

When it's 20 out, my book-holding hand gets too cold, even with gloves on.  This was the first day I'd read while walking him in quite some time. (This is one of James Herriot's books.)

Same puddle, a few steps later.



Morning Bray Farm said...

Hi, Vicki! Oh, lucky you for warm and green. :) It's sooooo cold and brown here (so, so dry).

I hope you're doing well! *waving* Hi Willard!!! xx

I need orange said...

It was a gorgeous day. :-)

The grass won't be green for long, without the snow cover. It is always sort of shocking, to see green grass in January. If the weather stays cold, and there's no snow cover, the grass will get brown.

I think about water a lot, and am glad to live where there is almost always enough......

Willard says "Hey!" back to all the Morning Bray clan. :-)