Monday, January 28, 2013



I have now finished all the Think Again work for weeks 6-8, except the quiz.  I'm waiting for a stretch when I can have the computer for 5 hours, just in case the quiz takes that long (as the one for weeks 4-5 did)...........  Once I finish the quiz, I'll "only" be two weeks behind in the course......

I went ahead and listened to the first lecture in week 9, as you can see by the green check.

The lecture on the Paradoxes of Vagueness has very little content, given its length.  That's ok with me, as long as the exercises and quiz on this material are as straightforward.....

The Vagueness has to do with at least one of an argument's premises depending on a vague (NOT precisely-defined) concept.  Like "heap" or "soft" or "late".........

Or "vague"...............

My better half was in the room as I listened to lecture 9-1, and was even paying attention to part of it.

Some time after the lecture had finished, and we'd both checked our email, I turned to him and said "'Vague' is a vague word."

His reply?  "No, it isn't." 


Ok, now that we have collected ourselves (and have given yet another fond thought to Monty Python) -- did you look at the topics for week 9 & 10?  "Fallacies of Vacuity"?????  "Circularity and Self-Sealers"???


Well, at least the exercises for 9-1 were not awful.  It is probably too much to hope that the quiz for the last section of the class will not be awful, given how this instructor's quiz over weeks 4 and 5 was, but I suppose we can hope for improvement...........

I think I need a certificate saying I have a PhD in (on?) the Fallacies of Vacuity......   Though I may change my mind after I find out what it is supposed to mean!


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