Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 31 -- walking back to our apartment


Walking home after the concert at the Frari.  In the sunshine!

Crossing the Grand Canal.

I believe these domes belong to Santa Maria della Salute.

After boring gray skies for days, what a treat to have an interesting sky!

I'd seen these tall red poles, with little lions on top, but this was the first time I saw them with flags.

San Marco, against blue sky.

San Giorgio Maggiore.

The flag of Venice, and the clock tower.

Santa Maria della Salute again.

Reality shot -- dozens of tourists.  In winter coats.  Imagine what the crowd must be like in May and June......

Looking back toward the south end of the Grand Canal.  With clouds.  (And Santa Maria della Salute.)

The view out our kitchen window, with clouds.

Here's another digression -- I checked a book called Art in Venice out of the library at some point before we went to Venice.  What with all we had to get done before we went, I never looked at it until I got home.  I am finding it remarkably helpful in identifying buildings in my pics!  Thank you, Stephano Zuffi, for your efforts!

In order to facilitate chronological traversal of these posts, here is a link to the next post.


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