Monday, April 15, 2013

April 14 -- shopping, lunch, crossing the Arno


Excellent dragon clock and light.

Reality shot -- tourists and vendors, between the Duomo and the Baptistry.

Shopping. I was looking for a pair of socks. I did not buy these.

Nor these.

Nor these.

Meandering south toward the Arno.

Piazza della Signoria.

You can see the copy of David.

I was interested by these two women in uniform.  One topic that arose multiple times, when we were talking to various hosts, is what women in Italy can and can't do.  I believe these women worked with the police, but I am not sure, and if they do, I don't know in what capacity.

Buttresses between the buildings, and fancy lights.

Closeup of one of the lights.

More lights.

Our destination for lunch.  "Live lived with taste."

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!  The bread was crisp on the outside, the cheese was creamy, the tomatoes gave a pleasant acid contrast, and the herbs gave complexity.  This was really good.

Lots of people think this is an excellent place to eat, including me.

A baby olive tree outside 'ino.

Looking straight up, from same spot as the above.  Shutters.

Display in 'ino's window.

'ino was very close to the Ponte Vecchio.  One of our plans for the day was to spend a little time on the other side of the river.

Looking south on the Ponte Vecchio.

If you stop in the middle, and press through the crush of tourists, you can look at the river.  Looking east.

Looking west, toward the Uffizi.

Closer crop of the above -- the building in the middle, with the big arches below and all the windows at the top is the Uffizi.  I stood in those windows, on the 12th, taking pics of the Ponte Vecchio and the south side of the Arno.

I didn't realize it was possible to be right down by the river, until I saw the above on "the big screen".......

On the south side of the Ponte Vecchio -- the Pitti Palace.

Closeup of the same fancy lights visible above.

Wandering around on the south side of the Arno.  You don't have to get far off the beaten path to evade the mob of tourists.

See Venus?

Venus on the half shell, laundry, and flowers on a window sill.  Gotta love a town that offers you this combination of goodness all in one small space!

Shop with tie-dyed scarves.  I buy scarves, from time to time, but I do not wear them.  (Scarf-wearing just doesn't feel like me....)  Sometimes my daughter likes the ones I buy, so they do get some use......  I did not buy one of these, though I liked some of them.

In order to facilitate chronological traversal of these posts, here is a link to the next post.


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