Saturday, May 11, 2013

May 11


The wonderful garden at the south end of my old block.

Tulips and phlox.



Flowers at the farmers' market.

It must be relatively easy to get coleus to do new things.  It seems like there are more options every year.  Bigger, smaller, new colors.....

Love the colors....


Ink.  (Taken with permission!)

Coffee, with a glowing edges filter.

Rhubarb and tiny asparagus (which reminded my daughter of the wild asparagus she went hunting on a sooty hillside in Italy).

Speaking of Italy, you remember that we visited Martelli in April.

I never noticed their logo until I saw the bags above on "the big screen" -- we were up there, on top of the fortifications, taking pics of the Tuscan countryside......

New gift shop across the street from Zingerman's.  I haven't visited it yet, but I want to.

Later in the day it rained.  The color was so intense I ventured a couple of shots from underneath trees....



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