Thursday, May 02, 2013

May 2


Today is a gorgeous day.  Sunny, blue, not too hot....

This weeping cherry, around the block and across the street, is in full bloom.

I am happy to report that Wilbur is reassuringly pokey today.  After spending nearly 48 hours being too perky, and too "up," and unable to settle, he's almost back to his normal self.

There have been times that he hasn't been able to settle, today, and times when he fussed (over what, I'm not sure). 

I did find coffee beans when I picked up after him, this morning and this afternoon, but markedly fewer than yesterday.  This is one time when we are really glad to be on the down side (of way too much up!).

My species tulips, in the myrtle.



thecrazysheeplady said...

Oh dear ;-). Glad all seems to be well.

Nice catching up with you. Sounds like a great trip!

I need orange said...

Thanks. We were lucky -- he ate an awful lot of those coffee beans......

It was a great trip. :-) Thanks for coming along! :-)