Monday, July 22, 2013

July 12


Home again, walking my usual walk.....


Below is the same flower, taken only moments after the prev, and yet the camera made significantly different decisions as to exposure and color.

This is why people who are pleased with themselves for using pics straight out of the camera (no post-processing) are delusional.  A camera is NOT the final arbiter of what anything "actually looked like"................

One further note about the above pair of pics -- I think the flower looked like the first one, not the second.............  Red.  Not purple.  I wonder if the camera sees (and remembers) a bit beyond the humanly-visible spectrum.........

Coneflowers.  This time the camera remembers just the colors I remember, too.

I took this because of the chartreuse touches on the undersides of the petals.



Jeanie said...

Beautiful flowers -- and welcome home!

I need orange said...

Thanks! :-)