Monday, September 09, 2013

Dirty Little Secrets poetry


Here are my contributions to the Archaeology's Dirty Little Secrets poetry corner.

What to do with Bones

From context we've (carefully) pried them.
We've cleaned them and, gently, we've dried them.
We draw and record them,
Return them, or hoard them,
While others just gnaw, and then hide them

(One of the lecture videos included someone's little dog, chewing on a bone.  From a modern animal, not excavated from anywhere!)

Someone mentioned making the last line of a poem as long as possible.  Not that I took that as a challenge, or anything.....

As a teacher, our Sue is stupendous.
Toward deep thought, on hard questions, she'd send us.
Our world-view shifted,
As we pondered sand, sifted,
And the only downside to Archaeology's Dirty Little Secrets, really, is that it's going to be a sadly long time before we encounter another teacher who is fit to polish Sue's pith helmet, and, OK, I gotta mention one more thing -- I can't believe Sue was RIGHT HERE at Michigan, some time in the past when I was too ignorant to hunt her down and haunt her classroom(s)!

And finally.....

Class ends, yet lingers.
New/old thoughts overflow heads.
"Secrets" suffuse hearts.


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