Saturday, December 28, 2013

December 23


Here's something I bet you didn't know you needed (with "need" defined as "you don't have one, therefore you need it")........................... 

(This was for sale, on Dec. 23, in an actual retail store....)

My better half notes that this concept would be even better if there were matching people-and-pet ugly sweaters......................


In my family there is a long-standing holiday tradition of (anyone who wants to) bringing "the most awful thing they could acquire for a quarter or less," with a competition to see which is the most awful entry for that year (solved by a popular vote).  There's a rotating trophy and everything.  (Editor's note -- inflation has caused the price limit to rise, over time, above 25 cents.)

There are rules against MAKING the most awful thing -- you aren't allowed to invent or enhance your object.

I wonder -- if you have an ugly sweater competition, are you allowed to invent or enhance one you find, or does it have to be the product of someone else's imagination and skill, as with our Awful contest?

I also wonder -- what DO the Chinese think of us, as they busily turn out ugly pet sweaters in their factories?


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