Tuesday, December 10, 2013



Know what this is?  Want to guess?

It's the envelopes for my holiday letters! All printed and ready for letters and stamps!

Last year I wrote down all the steps for doing the envelopes, and this time I was able to just follow those steps.  I got the envelopes done with no swearing at all!  I don't think that has happened in a couple of decades!

It pays to write down how to do stuff I only do once a year.  Otherwise the only thing I remember from the last time was that it sucked.......................................  !!!

My notes were nice and clear (and DETAILED).  There was one thing that I wasn't sure how I'd gotten it to work, last year, and I've clarified that for next year...........

Now watch -- next year it will be a different computer or different software, or something, and I'll be back to square zero .........................

But for now, I'll bask in the glow of success!  :-)



Jeanie said...

Cards are yet another thing I'm behind on with the trip. (So I'm reading blogs instead!). I don't like late Thanksgiving! Three cheers on yours!

I need orange said...


I actually mailed most of them, yesterday. Yay. (THough -- I really don't care if they get there late, as long as they get there.)

I still have 4 or 5 that I need to write on (mostly it's a pre-printed copy of my year's doings)..... They are on my List for today.
