Tuesday, September 30, 2014

monarch, edited


You'll remember the monarch I saw on September 20.

Not very sharp, and not very orange.......

Let's increase the contrast, and the saturation, and let's shift those yellow wings toward orange.

I like this better.

Let's try some filters.


Glowing edges.

Poster edges.


Now let's lay the "stamp" over the "poster edges"...........

Hmmm.  Not so crazy about those black bits over the orange.............  And -- what happened to the white dots on the body?  Most of them got lost.......

Now I've erased some bits of the "stamp" that were over the white dots on the body, and, finally, I have laid the orange bits of wing from the "fresco" version over the top, to get more orange and no mess in the orange bits.

Happy with this one.  Lots of saturation, lots of contrast. And I like the diagonal lines.



thecrazysheeplady said...

I've enjoyed seeing all the monarchs this year!

I need orange said...

I'm glad you've seen them! I think this is the only one I've seen this year. I plan to plant some milkweed, in hopes of making a home for some baby monarchs............

I was thinking about you, earlier, getting ready for the Kentucky Wool Festival. I hope your preparations are going well, and I wish you an excellent Festival.

paris parfait said...

I think Photo 2 is my fave. Nice capture!

I need orange said...

Thanks for the visit, Tara, and thanks for the comment. :-)