Sunday, November 23, 2014

November 14


Leaves on the back step.  With snow.

Snow on the fence.

Tea in the sunshine.  (And plastic lizard.)

Maple leaf suspended in the weeds.

Blue sky.  Odd fully-leafed branch of maple tree, at right, and tulip tree covered in spent flowers, at left.

Usually there are several branches on the tulip tree that bloom, but not all of them, or even most.  I was surprised, on the 14th, to realize that the top of the tree was awash in bloom, late last spring.  I had no idea.

What you're seeing here are seeds, mostly.  The things that look like petals are seeds.  After all the seeds fall, what's left is the pointy thing you see, bottom right.

Indomitable rose.

More blue sky.


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