Sunday, February 01, 2015

January 29


Walking, on January 29.

Walking on the 29th was a pleasure.  It was warm (mid 30s F), and there was no wind.  There was about an inch of new snow, and footing was good (not slippery in most places).

If you walked where no one else had walked, the snow made pleasing popping noises underfoot.  On one part of my route, I was the first person to walk there since it had snowed.  After that section, I did my best to place my steps on untrodden snow.

There was some rhythm to the clickitapoppita, because my steps are rhytmical, but the actual clicks and pops varied underfoot.  The sound made me think of syncopated tap-dancing.

Very nice.  A lovely day to walk in the neighborhood.


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