Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 9


When we were kids, my mom gave us each a stretch of garden.  If memory serves me, I had an iris in my little plot.  Mine had purple falls and the top petals were white.  I don't remember stripes in the purple, and I don't remember the slightly rusty color where the purple meets the white.  I don't think this is the same kind I had, but it's reminiscent......



Jeanie said...

I love irises. They always remind me of my Aunt Iris, who found them to be her favorite flower (for obvious reasons.) They're so dramatic!

I need orange said...

I love iris, too. I think they must be very flexible to the intent of humans -- not only do they come in many different colors, but with more (or fewer) ruffles, fringes, stripes, etc........

And some of them smell nice, too! :-)