Sunday, December 20, 2015

December 4 -- airport, and circles


I didn't get a good shot of the Westin at the Denver airport -- it's shaped like those little golden plastic wings they used to give kids on airplanes, back in the day.  Only without the big red circle in the middle.

Of course there are excellent pics of the hotel online.

A beautiful Colorado sky, and one wingtip.

Most of one wing, reflecting the "snow-capped mountains" look of part of the airport.

Everyone goes through security in the main terminal, and then you ride a subway sort of thing out to the terminals with the gates.  It all works pretty smoothly and quickly.

Here we are on our plane.  Even though it was Southwest (where you do not get assigned seats unless you pay extra), and even though we'd been in Boulder the previous day, where we completely forgot about trying to check in for the flight exactly 24 hours before it took off, we still got a window seat and an aisle seat on the same side of one row.  In the very back of the plane, but we sat together AND had an empty seat between us.

Looking out across the taxiways to the mountains......

Lots of big sky over an airport..............

Leaving right on time.  As you can see, this was not the cleanest, nor the most flawless! window I've ever had.  I wondered if any of my pics-out-the-airplane-window would be ok.........

Mountains at the horizon, many textures on the ground.

I was very tickled to get my "coming home" pics up on "the big screen," and find that much of what I hoped to capture actually showed up on the camera's sensor.

All of these pics have been substantially edited to increase contrast.  Between the haze and the state of the window, I needed to make the darks darker and the lights lighter.  This had the side-effect of messing with the color......

So -- these pics look substantially different from what the camera captured, especially in re the color, but all of the ground features were really on the ground, rather than invented by me.

Surely wonder what is going on in this next shot!  All those curvy lines?

I have seen crop irrigation circles before, but never so many, in so many varied colors and textures.  I was especially interested by different colors/textures within one circle.......

Odd distribution of snow.....

This shot is "straight out of camera" -- hazy, pale........

This shot has the contrast seriously bumped up.

Here's a closer cut from about the center of the above image.  Textures, colors, shapes, lines......


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