Monday, February 08, 2016

The Uncommon Reader


I hadn't finished a work of fiction by a new-to-me author in a LONG time.  Every book by a new-to-me author I've picked up (and I pick up a lot) I have closed with disgust, having read less than a quarter of the book, for months and months and months.

We visit the library every week.  I keep bringing novels home; I keep reading a smidgen; I keep closing them and sending them back.

Finally, last Saturday, my streak of losers was broken.

I wish I remembered where I got the recommendation for The Uncommon Reader; I'd be glad to read something else recommended by the same source.

It's small, light, lightweight, but with comfortably serious undertones.  It made me laugh out loud several times.

The premise is that the Queen of England, who has always been too busy to read very much, stumbles across reading, and becomes a voracious reader.  Which leads her to think more, in different ways, about what she knows, and what is going on around her, and about her place in the world........

I enjoyed it.  I thought the ending rather abrupt, but not enough so to put me off the book.



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