Saturday, April 23, 2016

April 2


I'm pretty sure this is white forsythia.  The flowers are smaller than "regular yellow forsythia," and they seem to be a lot more tender, but the shape of the flowers is right, and the shape of the shrub is right.....

Farmers' market tulips.

Siberian iris.

Fancy chocolates.

Cinnamon roll.

Pain au chocolat.  Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Detroit Street bagel -- a bit of almost everything.

Iron Goddess.

Succulents for sale at the food co-op.

Lots of people at the library, learning how to sew a little stuffed creature by hand.  Those yellow spotty bits are going to become arms and legs.

There was a camera focused on the hands and work of the instructor, blown up large on the screen.  That seems like a good way to teach hand work to a group.

Good for the teacher, for working to transmit these skills.  Good for the learners, for showing up and working on it.  Good for the library, being a place where skills are transmitted and learned!

It was precipitating when we left the library.  Verrrrrry wet snow...........

We'll call this one Red Dots on a Gray Day.

I don't know if those colorful flowers are stickers, or magnets, or what.  Hooray for bright and cheery individual expression.

After we got home, it was snowing right down.  Great big fat globs of flakes.......


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