Just now I was scrolling out and out, in Google maps, from a very close view to a farther and farther view. I've done this lots of times. I love maps.....
Maybe I'd never before had the "earth view" (as opposed to "just" the "map view") turned on as I scrolled out and out. Or maybe Google has changed what they show us?
This is the first time I'd seen a flat map turn into our astonishing planet.
It took my breath away.
Our beautiful planet.
If only we cared enough about life on Earth to protect it from ourselves......................
It breaks my heart.
You know I had to keep scrolling................ This is as far out as Google would take me, this morning.
Another amazing pic. This one does not break my heart.
Our beautiful planet will still swing round the sun, long after we have trashed it to the point where only cockroaches and tardigrades can survive..........
We deserve our fate. The others we are sending before us surely do not. The polar bears, the orangutans, the cheetahs, the giraffes, the elephants and rhinos -- they deserve better than to be driven into the dirt by our grasping short-sighted totally-self-focused avarice.
We totally deserve to follow them into the abyss we are creating as fast as we can, in as many destructive ways as we can conceive.
See the milky way, faintly, sweeping from upper left to lower center?
Astronomy is a very peaceful thing to study. None (NONE) of it is our fault..............
It IS a beautiful blue marble -- and yes, we seem bent on chipping away at it.
So what were you looking at in Nova Scotia when you started zooming out?
Someone on Instagram posted a pic of an absolutely gorgeous beach. So I wondered where Inverness, Nova Scotia, was. :-)
I was very surprised to see that it wasn't on the ocean -- the pic surely looked like the water we looked at, above the beach, was an ocean rather than a bay or something.........
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