Saturday, November 18, 2017

May 28, part 4 -- heading back to Kanab


Here is a link to the interactive expedition map.

Driving back toward Kanab.

Approaching the Glen Canyon dam and "Lake" Powell (which we looked at earlier on May 28th).

We went across that bridge to get to Horseshoe Bend, and to the slot canyons.  Note our shadows at the bottom of the next image....  :-)

This is a different view point than the one we looked across from earlier that day.  This one is better for showing the dam and the bridge together.

Closer crop of the above, taken from fairly near the center of the above image.  Somehow I think that tacking the wall together is a very temporary fix. 

One thing about this landscape -- if you pay attention, you really get a sense of how temporary humans are.  We may take most of life-as-we-know-it with us, as humanity departs the planet, but the planet will survive, and will nurture other life in the future.  I hope none will be as careless and destructive as we are......

Speaking of deep time, and long-gone life on this planet.......  This was outside the visitors' center at the dam.

Dino footprints.

The sign reads "The imprints were made by a one-ton twenty-foot-long meat-eating dinosaur.  The slab of limestone [previous image] came from a nearby side canyon.  When Dilophosaurus tracked through the silt, 170 million years ago, this was a different landscape.  Shallow streams meandered across a marshy plain.  Throughout Glen Canyon, the red-orange layer of Kayenta sandstone appears -- a lost world turned into stone, then river-cut and weathered into view."

Huge amount of water, where there should be much less.

We used the bathrooms and bought postcards in the visitors' center, then headed on back to Kanab.

Definitely not in Michigan.

Boggled at how green it was, at the end of May.

Here is a link to the next post about the Grand Canyon trip.


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