Friday, November 03, 2017

teach-out on sleep


The University of MIchigan is running a series of "teach-outs" on various topics.

(There were "teach-ins" on issues like the Viet Nam war during the late 1960s.  The University is building on that tradition, on a larger stage, by using a Massive Open Online Class platform.  You do have to sign up, but the class is free.)

I just finished the teach-out on sleep.

It's a very light-weight experience (3-4 hours of video to watch), with a huge amount of info on how bad it is to be sleep deprived.  (Bad effects on nearly all parts of our lives -- health/work/safety/relationships/mood/etc......)

Some people think sleep is a waste of time, but there is evidence we've been sleeping since we were barely multicellular.  Mama Nature doesn't keep something around for that long unless it's really necessary............

Extremely important info, in an easy-to-receive package.


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