Sunday, January 28, 2018

June 8, 2017 -- annual visit to the U's peony garden


We got home from the southwest just in time for peony season.  The University of Michigan has a very large and varied peony collection in the arboretum.

It was a bright and sunny day.  Not ideal for taking this kind of pic.  So let's enjoy the shadows.....

Peonies have so much going on.  I like to enjoy the bits and pieces.  The next image is a closer crop of the lower left corner of the previous.

The white rectangle, more or less in the middle of the next image, is info letting us know the name of each of the peonies in the group just above the sign.

This makes me think of flames....

Love this.

Oh my.

This is what the flower in the last two images will look like, in a few days.....

This big tree has cascading white flowers.

Like this.  I have no idea what kind of tree this is.

Spirea and morning glory. 

Walking home. 

The University celebrated its bicentennial in 2017.  I remember when it celebrated its 150th birthday....

Flame of Wisdom, by Leonard Nierman.

Mock orange.


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