Monday, April 09, 2018

December 25, 2017


Sunrise on December 25, 2017.

Breakfast.  Home-made sticky buns.  Mmmmmmmmmm..............

Later.  Something savory -- gifted popcorn!  Mmmmmmmmmm..............

Holiday mood.........  (Tshirt being worn under black fleece jacket, hence odd shapes around the edges of the image.)

It snowed right down.

The next image taken 10 minutes after the previous.  You Never Know..........

Pasties are a lot of work.  More people to chop is a good idea.

Instead of making individual ones, we put the potaotes, rutabaga, and onions [with just a bit of meat for added flavor] in a pie plate, and just put pie crust over the top.  This cuts the fat in half, and tastes just as good, in my humble.  Mmmmmmm...........


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