Monday, April 09, 2018

Happy Unicorn Day!


I just found out it’s Unicorn Day!  At first I thought there wasn’t a unicorn in the house, and then I remembered this one. 

Once upon a time, my grandpa loved to go to age guessers. They always thought he was younger than he was. I was with him one time when I was 10 and he was 76. I think they guessed him at 68.  They thought he was having them on when he told them how old he really was. (I remember the guy turning to Grandma and asking her for confirmation.)  Many years later, I went to an age guesser in memory of Gramps. I think I was 35, and I think the age guesser thought I was 30. 

This unicorn was my prize. A souvenir of successfully carrying on a family tradition.

Remembering Grandpa with a smile.  And a unicorn.

I was having trouble thinking of an appropriate background for a unicorn.  A plain white wall just wasn't cutting it.  Then I thought of my bubbly screen-saver, and what I like to think of as my "dawn over Alaska" computer-monitor wallpaper............  Perfect. 


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