Friday, April 13, 2018

January 11, 2018



Note reflective snow-melt puddles on the sidewalk.

The first knitting I'd done in years.  Sample toward making wear-around-the-house warm socks.  Wool, with chenille accent (which is more fuchsia than red, in person).

(I wish I could say I have finished socks, writing about Jan. 10 on April 8.  But no, I haven't touched this since then.  Sigh.  Perhaps, one day when I haven't a mountain of pics sitting over my head, I will do things like knit!)

Downtown.  I don't know what this crane is helping build, but lately it's been all about housing.  They are putting up apartment buildings and condofungus like there's no tomorrow.  With no attention at all to dealing with the increased demand on infrastructure....................  I do not find that more (and more and more) tall buildings are an enhancement to the environment................

In Spun, our nice yarn store.  I like the way the larger number of stitches between the rows of garter give a bumpledy look.  (Wondering why anyone wants a short-sleeve warm sweater, and wondering why anyone would put wool on a baby.........  But aside from that, right?)

I picked up trash on my way home.  Downtown is a mess.

It's pretty common to find earbuds.  They always break when run over by cars, in my experience.


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