Tuesday, April 24, 2018

March 1, 2018


On March 1, 2018, I was working on pictures I took in Cincinnati in October, 2017.  I found out it was National Pig Day, so I posted a picture of a Cincinnati zoo denizen to Instagram.

 I posted a comment identifying the pig, and got comments from people who follow me on Instagram.  One of these commenters is one of my high school friends, and the other is someone I met on Instagram.

I continued to work on processing pictures all day.

The weather was distracting.

12:13 pm.  The precipitation started with rain.  Then there were visible white bits.

12:38 pm.  There were more and more white bits.

12:49 pm.  It began to stick.

12:58 pm.

1:08 pm.  Looking at curvy car tracks.

2:16 pm.  It was as wet as it could be and still be snow.

4:26 pm.  Note odd texture in the lower left -- this is the result of big wet clumps of snow falling from the trees.

4:27 pm.  Still coming down.

5:24 pm.  Our nice young neighbor has blown the snow/slush off our sidewalk.  Thank you, John!

6:41 pm.   I can't tell if it was still coming down at this point.

7:28 pm.  The phone camera does a really nice job in low-light conditions!  This would have been basically all black, with maybe a bright spot or two, had I attempted it with the "real" camera.


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