Saturday, May 12, 2018

March 30, 2018


Backlit crocus, glowing in the afternoon sun.

More crocus in another location.

I pick up trash when I walk, and I attempt to take loose dogs home where they belong.  I saw this dog from the other end of this block.  It never moved a muscle as I got closer and closer.

Eventually I was close enough to understand that *this* dog doesn't have any muscles............

The dog who lives in this house is very reactive to people who walk by.  I bet he is very reactive to dogs, too, and that someone is trying to desensitize him to the presence of other dogs.

I have never found a loose dog who was trailing a leash.  People, the advice from here is -- put tags on your dog with your address and phone number.  Collaring (leashing) and taking someone else's dog home is an interruption to anyone's day.  If I at least know where to take the dog, that makes my effort to return your dog easier.  And -- get your dog microchipped, and keep your chip contact info up to date.  Dogs can lose collars.  You are much likelier to get your dog back if it's chipped.......

This is a pretty realistic fake dog!

Walking another dozen steps -- this dog was in the same  yard, raising my confidence in my supposition that they are trying to desensitize the dog who lives here to the presence of "other dogs"........

The guy who lives here is a Doberman youngster.  They don't have a fence.  I have seen the dog tied out on many occasions.  Of course he is following his breed instincts and being protective.  And he's just a puppy (if a big puppy), and shouldn't be put in a place where he can't move out of sight of "intruders" walking by................. 

I haven't seen or heard a peep out of the puppy since before March 30 (as I write, it's May 11).  I hope he's ok.  You can't humanely train a dog not to bark at strangers in one day.....................


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