Monday, June 11, 2018

June 6, 2018


The first bunch of pics in this post are from the beautiful garden at the other end of my old block.

Alliums, after the flowers fall off.


Corn flower.


Columbine.  Love what happens after the petals fall off (up at the top, and along the left side).

Poppy.  Yesterday, today, tomorrow.


Another poppy.

The first lily I've seen this year.

Now it's afternoon, and we are heading out on our walk through our neighborhood.

My rose.

Redbud seedpods.

The first day lily I saw blooming this year.

Ew.  What's this?  Many piles of these bright red bugs all in about one sidewalk square.

I came home and googled Michigan piles small red bugs and found "red shoulder bugs."  I had never heard of these.  It says they are benign, but they must eat something...........  Ick.

Better to look up!


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