Friday, July 20, 2018

identifying flowers


I love the internet...........

I can very often (but not always) identify flowers by starting with a google search and then looking at the images.

In this case I was trying to identify the sort of black-eyed-Susan looking ones with the sticking-up middle and the drooping petals (from my previous post).

I asked google for black-eyed susan drooping petals.  I looked through a bunch of pictures.

Eventually I found an image from this book:  Flowers of Mountain and Plain, by Edith Clements.

I love project Gutenberg.  They scan out-of-copyright books that were originally printed in the USA, and make them available to anyone in the USA, for any purpose.

Look at number 1.  That looks like what I'm thinking about, don't you think? 

It seems to be a coneflower, not a black-eyed Susan.  (Ratibida, not Rudbeckia) 

Once I have a potential name, I can google that name, and find a whole bunch more images, which will either be like, or not like, the plant I have photographed. In this case, I think the flowers in the park are likely to be Ratibida columnaris (or a near relative).

You never know what you will learn when you go looking................  :-)

All from the comfort of your own study.  No need to remember what your question was, the next time you go to the library.........



clayt666 said...

Are you aware that you can put a picture in to Google search, and look directly for matching images? You might give that a try as well as Googling by text. The results are often helpful, and occasionally hilarious.

I need orange said...

I don't know why I never saw this comment until today, but there it is; I didn't.

I have tried having Google search for an image, but have never found what I wanted. So I guess I've pretty much given up on that, unless I am actually looking for the same identical image.

I guess I haven't found my results to be useful or hilarious, which would certainly be a reason to keep trying......... :-)