Thursday, August 16, 2018

August 9, 2018


There was a bridge game the afternoon of August 9.  Someone brought cake to honor the conquering heroes (who won their national event at the summer tournament just over a week earlier).  (The other two guys on their team don't live in Ann Arbor, and don't play at this local game.)

Later.  Walking.  The sky caught my eye, and then I noticed the crows.

This is a closer crop of the brightest area of the previous. 

The crows were moving from west to east.  In dozens and hundreds.

We watched for a couple of minutes, and I am sure we saw hundreds go overhead.  I do wonder how they decide where the group will spend the night.  They clearly have intention and decision-making.  And it's all opaque to me.

This is a couple of minutes later.  Again I was looking at the sky, and again there was a crow.....

This is exactly where that school desk was, on August 8.  I'm not entirely surprised that the desk was gone.  And I'm betting this will be less likely to go.....

Looking at the sky one last time on August 9.  I am not aware of any crows in this image.


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