1) I used to do ceramics. When you see bread dough rising in a tan speckled ceramic bowl, here on the blog, I made the bowl. A long time ago, in the late '70s.
2) I went to high school in Kansas. For my international readers, I'll note that Kansas is a very conservative state. Moving there from liberal Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1967, was like taking a time warp back to 1951. I did forge lifelong friendships with a few of my fellow travelers, but aside from that one shining benefit (which was serendipitous rather than guaranteed, I'm sure), I wouldn't recommend the experience.
3) I make my living programming computers, but my BA is in psychology, with a minor in history of art.
4) I can't draw, but am tempted to learn how.
5) I have been lifting weights for 8.5 years. The gym I've been using for the last several years has closed (so rude, what about MY needs?????), and I need to find an alternative. I do it to maintain muscle mass and for bone strength. I want to put my own suitcase in the overhead bin, and drag my own fallen-during-the-ice-storm branches out to the curb.

In the interest of Truth, I will say that is not my own personal pile of fallen branches. I was too lazy to go downstairs, get dressed for winter, go out, and take a pic of my very own branches without a tree between me and them. It is the next-door neighbor's branches (no tree between me and them, when I look out the study window), but my own pile is very similar in size and quantity.
Also in the interest of Truth, I'll admit to cravenly allowing a nice young man to get my suitcase down from the overhead shelf thingie on the train when I got back to Ann Arbor at 1:00 am from Chicago last summer. I could have done it, and was in the process of doing it, when he offered..... It had a elderly leaden laptop in it, and was very heavy...... I did put it up there by myself.
Now I'm supposed to tag five people. I think I'll just tag E, and -- anyone else, if you want to play, consider yourself tagged.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and congratulations on the newly refitted backyard..with mismatched siding and all. Doesn't that sort of stuff just cap the icing on the cake?
art cheer from downunder..
and OLD, don't forget OLD....
Computers, psychology and art history ... wow, that's an impressively broad spectrum of interests!
Thanks for taking up the challenge.
I take your point.
Thinking -- if I had been younger, he still might have offered, but for completely different reasons....
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