Monday we had switches here, inside the house's back door, but no switchplate.....

Tuesday, though -- Tuesday, we acheived light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Light over the back door!

Light beside the new door into the garage! Light that turns on and off from inside the garage AND inside the house!
We also have floodlights on the front and back of the garage, but as they are "dawn to dusk" lights, they won't come on until it gets dark......

At this point, we are now (after eight weeks!) at least as well off as we were before they tore down the garage.
Many things remain to be finished. I am really tired of being on guard all the time that everything is being done as we asked. I am ready to stand down. Hope I can (not clear that the garage door is the color we ordered.....).
Some of the things that remain to be finished are in my personal queue. Painting the storm door in the back, say, and also the side door into the garage. Sometime ... later ... when it is warm enough to paint.
Someone will have to fix the drywall where the electrician needed to make openings to route wire, etc. The concrete still needs to be dealt with. We need knobs/lock on the side door into the garage.
At this point, though, we have a shelter for the car, we have an accessible and enclosed back yard, we have light in back!, and we even have gravel and a step up to the stoop in front.
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