Our house, in the puddle(s) contained by the tarp. The red thing is the building permit(s).

I'm not fond of the messes left behind by humans, and I'm not interested in preserving images of same.
However, I do love orange and blue.....

A comment on our current situation. Broken concrete, trash strewn around. The broken ball refers, of course, to the dogs not being able to go out in their own yard.
(Not that *they* mind getting walked all the time!)

I have been feeling sort of dead-to-photography lately. Yesterday I caught on fire and began to *see* again.
So interesting, how something can be there, waiting to be seen..... This dead tennis ball shows up in the "Are you implying that back stoops *migrate*?" pic from Friday, but I never saw it in that pic until I had worked over this pic......
The moral of the story is: Just Keep Plugging Away..........
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