The couch in our study is heavily used. It gets lots of natural light during the daytime, and, as it is upstairs with the bedrooms, is the place we generally go if we want to read in the middle of the night without disturbing anyone. Several years ago we added the light at this end of the couch. The missing element has been a place to put a drink.
Sunday, we remedied that lack.

Installing this was more trouble than it should have been. The hanging design doesn't work for a shelf this short. It hangs from two screws, which are way too close together -- it tipped if any weight was put on the end.... Sigh.
DH came up with the brilliant idea of hot-gluing it. :-) So I put some big ol' blobs of hot glue underneath, to stop it from tipping.
So far, so good................... We'll try to remember to put the drink in the middle, so we're not tempting fate.
Don't you just love how this entire ensemble is color-coordinated, including the dog???
(We found this shelf at Lowe's, and the cork coasters lining it are from IKEA.)
Yup, love the color coordinated dog! Mine is basic black - goes with eveything....LOL
simple design with and a single purpose. Perfect. Next year you should make it so it slides out of the wall when needed like the Jetson's.
Damn, Dave, wish I had thought of that *before* we hot-glued it!!!!!
Next time I'll consult you first. :-)
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