Last evening I saw something I've never seen before. We have a couple of inches of snow just now. The snow, for those of you who don't have it, reflects light up, and when there are clouds, the undersurfaces of the clouds get very light, and reflect the light back down.... We get amazing diffuse light, on cloudy nights.... And when it is clear, and the moon is getting full, it is so bright outside that there are clear shadows on the snow.... Quite wonderful.
Back to last night -- when I looked out, an enormous bank of clouds in the southwest was so bright it reflected a noticeable amount of light into the house. There was a sharp border to the clouds, and behind them was a very deep blue sky, with stars. In front of the clouds were tree skeletons....... Very cool. My immediate thought was "Get the camera!", but my camera doesn't do motion very well (and the clouds were cruising), especially in low light, so I had to content myself with just watching.....
This was taken a couple of weeks ago, when the weather was still strangely warm, but the myrtle stays green even when it's cold.
I am grateful for the plants that stay green all year around. When I'm utterly sick and tired of browns and grays, green is a breath of fresh air.

Yes. I've been thinking I need to make an expedition over there. If I worked where you work, I'd go there more often....
Indeed. What a great place to take breaks! In any season/weather.....
Great discription of the clouds and sky, I could really imagine it, didn't need a photograph!!
Thanks, Stephanie!
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