Friday, January 26, 2007

Studio Friday -- Look Who I Found!

Studio Friday's theme this week is to share links to people whose work is inspiring, and to say why, in particular, we are inspired.....

I decided I didn't have to limit myself to only one -- why not share more and more?

So -- in alphabetical order, a few of my favorites:

Nina Bagley who is a poet not only in words and images and feelings, but in sticks and stones and paper and wire. From her, I hope to learn to let my intuitive side have a free rein, at least some of the time. As a sister collector of nature's bits and pieces, I would also like to learn some of her techniques.

France Belleville who does astonishingly wonderful drawings, and who does them everywhere -- on a bus, in a class, at home..... From her, I hope to learn to work. Where I am, with the materials I have at hand. Work. No excuses. Just work.

Melody Johnson, whose use of color and value is second to none. From her, I hope to learn how to judiciously use another layer (her stitching) to enhance my work.

Minneapolis Daily Photo ("Chris and Deb"). The photos here, like this one, very often have a point-of-view that is what is the most remarkable thing about the image. This would be a nice pic without the leaning tree, but with it, and the point of view chosen.... Wow. I hope to learn to look. To keep my eyes open for everything I can see, and to pay attention to where I am when I look.

Elizabeth Zimmerman, knitter extraordinaire, who taught me to understand how knitting works, and to use that knowledge to fearlessly make the things found in my imagination. From her I learned that once you understand the mechanics of something, you really own it, with a freedom that you will never have if you only follow someone else's path. Experienced knitters all know EZ, and if you are only thinking you might like to learn, you can't do better than her Knitting Without Tears.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's finds!


Unknown said...

Oh Vickie, thank you for introducing these wonderful artists and supplying the links! I will be adding many to my favorites for inspiration!!

Artful Creations by Tracie said...

That's wonderful that you have several inspiring artists that help you 'find' (if you will) your way into being creative!

Silvia Hoefnagels . Salix Tree said...

Melody has some gorgeous quilts! The color, so vibrant! I love it to pieces! Looking at these colorful quilts can surely make a day brighter! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful list - really cool sites to check out. These are great links!

And I love your ice storm photos!

I need orange said...

Thanks. I've "known" EZ since I was a teenager, and I was familiar with Nina's work from books and magazines, but the others I only know through their blogs. So cool, how the blogiverse lets us expand our repertoire of inspirations!

Thanks, Susan, for the kind words about my ice pics. I took a LOT of pics -- ice storms don't happen that often, and this one was very unusual in that the ice lasted so long.....