Thursday, January 04, 2007

Photo Friday -- Best of 2006

PhotoFriday's theme this week is Best of 2006.

This choice was really hard for me. I took more pics in 2006 than I took in all the previous years of my life combined, I think, and I'm happy with lots of them. I wished I could choose my Best Close-Up of a Cabbage, and my Best Zoo Animal, and my Best Still Life. Best Un-Altered Landscape. Best State-Fair Critter. Best Museum Object.

As I enjoyed messing with Photoshop Elements as much as I enjoyed taking pictures, I'm choosing this shot of the Cloud Gate in Chicago's Millenium Park.


Anonymous said...

Kewl Photo. Happy New Year and thanks for stopping by my blog.
art cheer!

I need orange said...

I got more cool "push the saturation" shots in Chicago.....

Wonder if they have special light there........ Or maybe it's just that it was July??? Since then, only a few pics have gotten way more interesting when saturated.......

Happy New Year to both of you, too!