I decided to celebrate my first blogiversary by looking back in that way.
I started blogging in response to the Yarn Harlot's invitation to us all to participate in the Knitting Olympics. The Knitting Olympics sounded like a fine idea to me, and I decided to be a part of it.
The first thing I did was make some cute side-bar buttons, for Team Michigan and Team DPN, and then, obviously, I had to share them..............
So I started a blog.
I knitted, and blogged, through February.
Here are my Olympic Socks, my First Socks Ever, started as the opening ceremonies began in Torino (watched live on Canadian tv -- thank you CBC!!!), and finished before the Olympic flame was extinguished 16 days later.

Thank you, Stephanie, for getting me started down this path. I am glad to be part of the blogosphere!
March found me still knitting away. Here is the first half of my second pair of socks, with evidence of my faithful companion.

In April, I continued knitting, and started branching out. I started taking pics of vignettes in my house. Here's the first such image I shared with you.

May continued in the same vein.

In June, we went to the Toledo Zoo.

July found us in Chicago.

In August, I took an ATC-a-day challenge, and worked in the 2.5"x3.5" format. I did some work in hard-copy media, but mostly it was photographs. Here is my very first digital collage.

The Michigan State Fair is in late August and early September.

In October, I blogged a lot of 'shrooms, and we went to Maryland. I did my very first food-blogging in October (see the World Bread Day button in the sidebar).

November featured the beach (Ocean City, Maryland).

December saw some more food, some more road trips, and a few poinsettias.

In January we had an ice storm.

Which brings us full circle.
I have been babbling about the wonders of the www/'net for a very long time. I am thoroughly enjoying the possibilities of blogging my own work, and enjoyed looking back over my last year's output.
My creative motto is "What I lack in talent, I make up in volume!" -- I am pleased that the whole of what I have posted seems to me to be greater than the sum of its parts.
I am surely enjoying my ability to see what others are doing via their blogs. It is wonderful to see what so many people are doing, in so many different media. I read blogs on fiber art of all kinds (including, of course!, the knitting that brought me to the blogosphere in the first place), photography, collage (digital and hardcopy), sketching, painting, food, raising sheep, gardening....
And that's today; who knows what I'll branch out to read tomorrow?
Ok, enough preaching to the choir.
Happy Blogiversary to me!

1 comment:
Au contraire! I think you show a nice eye in some of those photos. You have talent, c'mon just admit it already. :)
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