Friday, February 02, 2007


I've been frustrated, thinking of taking pictures out the windows, by the messy potential subjects I see out there. Layers and layers of trees, houses, more trees. It's lovely to have so many trees in the neighborhood, of course, but I want to take nice clean pics, not layers&layers&layers&layers pics.

(And we'll kindly say nothing about the less-than-pristine state of the windows, which I personally never notice except where the window verges on opacity due to dog nose prints, but which the camera seems to delight in recording as blurry blotches on my many-layered subjects. Sigh.)

Yesterday when I was out throwing the frisbee, I noticed this twig on the patio. Since the branches that fell in the back yard were Siberian elm, I presume this is a Siberian elm twig.

Anyway, I had a brainstorm -- lacking color, lacking leaves to shoot portraits of, there are TWIGS. I can bring them in, arrange them thoughtfully on a tasteful sheet of typing paper (oooh, "typing paper," she said! How anachronistic is that......), and take their picture........

At first I was annoyed by the tiny sprig that isn't with the program, but it's growing on me...... I definitely like all those globby buds.

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