Look what I saw at the Toledo Zoo. Looks like the same thing to me......
(Digression -- gotta love the way Anchorage public gardens include edibles. Parsley, cardoon, cabbage......... Someone is really on top of putting together eclectic and gorgeous gardens in that city. I just wrote a mash note. End of digression.)
I love labels. I always want to know what everything is, and to have the label right there telling what (and why, too, in this case) -- excellent. (as always, click on the pic to see a larger version)

In the back of my mind, I'd always wondered why it's called "eggplant." The bigger purple ones I'm most familiar with don't really look all that eggy.
This, however. It was exactly the size of a jumbo chicken egg............
Another "ah, yes, of course" moment from last Sunday's trip to the zoo.

Did you know some of them get yellow as they mature? I didn't. (I'm 85% sure this is the same plant that had the white one.)

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