Monday, August 25, 2008

August 21


Leslie, here's another.

This one is very cute -- right on a library shelf with other books. The books nearest the door have been hollowed out, to make the inside of the fairy house, and someone installed windows in the spines and all.

Unfortunately it is exceedingly vulnerable to kids with rotten behavior (belonging to irresponsible and loathesome adults who are not watching them), and its windows and book spines have been seriously trashed).


Wishing the library had a security cam on the house, and that a loop would play in the kiddy department of any kid(s) who damaged the house. Public exposure and humiliation for bad behavior; I like it...................

Ok, let's just look at the door, and admire the living-in-hollowed-out-books concept..........................

Ok. We've checked out the books that were on hold for us, and now we can walk on to work.

Red redbud. The leaves are turning green as they age. There were fresh leaves at the ends of some branches, and they were not green at all (and didn't entice the camera to focus on them, so you'll have to use your imagination).

This next shot was taken inadvertently, but I sorta like it. Me, in my trusty jeans and supportive shoes, with (one of) my (vast collection of) cloth bag(s), with vegetation (and shadows thereof).

Our summer followed a wet spring. For quite a while it seemed that it rained every day. Then the rain stopped. August has been very dry.

I have never seen a lilac do this before. Maybe a result of the dry conditions?

The building housing my office, with excellent sky. Look at the long skinny fuzzy cloud that seems to be directly over the building. It is much lower and a totally different sort of cloud from the higher ones.....

I hadn't noticed the moon, from the ground, but when I got up to my office, and went to open the window, there it was.

My energizer-bunny pelargonium, against the walnut trees outside.

We'll whiz through the work day as though it weren't there, and walk home.

I went to take pics of these hydrangeas, and ... whoa.


Hydrangea flowers (the individual floret thingies) are about an inch across.

So that stingy thing is huge. Enormous. Scary.

She was there with a whole posse if her friends, so I maintained a very respectful distance, and used the zoom to get in close rather than sticking the camera in her, um, face.

Across the street from those hydrangeas is this branch. It is seriously broken (needs to be removed), and is way redder than the rest of the tree (lending credence to the "Stressed plants may turn red" theory).

I am not aware that someone famous is in town, but the evidence would be.....

I have thought about it, and I am not the least bit down with the bagged meters if they are for this bus to park. Let the famous people park their bus outside of town at a shopping center, so the people who live here can park downtown. (My considered and final opinion!)


I am really letting my cranky true self show through, far more than usual. Better stop that.

Here're some pretty flowers to end the post. I feel fine, really I do..... La, la, la...........




Anonymous said...

A Great Black Wasp, or katydid killer.
We have tarantula wasps here, and they are HUGE!
These are digger or burrowing wasps, and they sting an insect, drag it into their burrow, and let the kiddes eat it.

It's an intere.sting intense black color, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Fairy Doors everywhere! Thanx for the pics! They just tickle me...

I have to say, I would be tempted to try to remove the books with the windows from the shelf.

And when did whispering in libraries go out of style?

Kim said...

Wait! It's only August and the trees are turning already? Summer just got started!

I need orange said...

They looked like they might be iridescent, but I didn't want to get that close........

They haven't got much that looks scary, in the way of a stinger, but I wasn't interested in challenging them. Oddly enough.

And -- you are welcome for the pics. :-)

Yes, loudness in libraries, very annoying.

Nowadays, in our downtown library (which is the one I go to, as it's so close to my work), there is a security guard waiting inside the door. I mean, I'm glad to have someone whose (unfortunately necessary) job is to watch what the bums are doing, but sheesh.

That didn't used to be necessary.

All the comfy lounge chair type chairs have disappeared from downtown, too, for the same reason.

The branches are almost all new construction, and they seem to be primarily oriented toward little kids. Room to run........

Forget that it's a library........

Ah well.

I hold all my stuff on line, and go in and get it and head out. I don't linger there, the way I did, once upon a time.

Kim, just in the last week or 10 days has there been a sea-change. Enough leaves on the ground that you can smell them; more and more color............

I am *READY*. I don't like to be too hot, and I don't like listening to everyone's noise. I'll be glad to close up the house, see snow outside, eat chili.... :-) (Can you tell we don't have a/c...........)

I need orange said...

And -- you might have wanted to take the books off the shelf, but you wouldn't have yanked at them when they didn't yield to gentle pressure.

I don't blame the kids for being curious, but I DO blame the adults for not being vigilant that their kids are being destructive.....
