Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Saturday, August 30


On Saturday we headed out to go to the farmers' market.

My husband spotted this very sad vignette atop the fence. This should *never* happen to a golf ball!

On the other hand (so to speak), it is quite excellent for this to happen to cleaning gear..........

Ok, now we're at the market. Wow bouquet, no? Love that touch of fuchsia.....

Okra. The boxes make this much better than it might be if it were just a pile of okra.....



Peaches. The leaves make this.

Parsley (both kinds).

Aren't these squash the cutest? I don't like to eat them, but I like to photograph them.... The water-balloon shape, the barely-there ribs, the excellent green, the speckles......


I would like to go to a tomato tasting.....

Lily, sunflower, dahlias. I like the bud, center right....


Cayenne peppers.

The light, the glass, the transparency!

What I photograph and what I purchase are often not the same. I need to remember to step out of Picture Mode and into Consumer Mode a bit more often. I wish I had brought home that bouquet and those leetle tomatoes!



Anonymous said...

oooo, yes. I will come with to the tomato tasting.
And when I got down to the onyons picture, I said it 'onyons' before I saw the spelling.
Watchin' too many cajun cookin' shows, I guess.
I'm likin' me some kohlrabi, now. Good stuff.

I need orange said...

Cajun cooking shows is exactly where I got it.... :-) I was liking the shapes of the onyons at the market, and then when I got it on "the big screen," I saw the excellent papery stem ends....

I don't think I have ever eaten it. I should buy some............ Does one eat the leaves, too, like beets?

I need orange said...

"have ever eaten it" it=kolhrabi

Anonymous said...

I visited the waverly market last saturday, they had I am sure at least 20 varieties of tomatoes across the stands. I too would be happy to eat one of each. Unfortunately half of the ones that I actually bought rotted quickly. LAME.

I need orange said...

I hate when stuff rots immediately! And when it is tasteless to begin with! Grrrrr.

The designer (oops, heirloom) tomatoes were $7 a quart, so I was reluctant to buy one of each, much as I wanted to taste them all....

If Zingermans doesn't have tomato tastings, I should suggest it to them!

Anonymous said...

Justin Wilson!
I used to get a kick out of him liberally pouring himself a glass of wine or three as he sat down to eat his creations!
I gar run teee!

I would eat kohlrabi raw. Peel it, and slice it like a cuke.
It's cabbage family, so I don't see why the greens wouldn't cook like broccoli raab or collards.
I always thought of kohlrabi as having a sweetish, mild flavor.
Haven't had it in years, when I grew it myself. The light green variety.

For salads on a busy day, I slice thick tomato slices, chop a clove of garlic to sprinkle on top, and drizzle with olive oil and balsamic. With a crusty bread.
Oh, now I'm hungry...

I need orange said...

You are so right! :-)

If you go to his website, it opens with a recording of him saying "How y'all are?" :-)

I'd forgotten that until I heard it just now..... I used to see him on pbs, wow, in the 70s.......... :-)

So many people on tv nowadays are so ... homogenized. Gotta love the ones that stand out in a crowd as characters and individuals.....

Kohlrabi raw, eh? I will try it.

Oooh, tomato/garlic/balsamic/olive ohl (saying "ohl" like Paula Deen -- someone else who is not homogenized :-) ) on crusty bread! Now I'm hungry, too!!!!!