Monday, September 01, 2008

waking to work, August 28


I reserved a bunch of books last weekend, and they trickled into the library this week.

Thursday I picked up two of them.

Then I had another shot at this hydrangea. I've been trying and trying to get some sharp pics of this plant, and Thursday it condescended to be focused upon.

I really like all the color variety, and the shapes of the flowers, all gathered together....

A habit shot -- this is not the same bunch of flowers as above.....

Prickly stuff. A thistle and a barberry.

This enormous planter in front of the library could use some weeding. Maybe the security guard could do that, in the morning, when there are fewer people in the library? Instead of lurking near the front door scrutinizing the old townies who fondly remember a day when a security guard wasn't a necessary fixture at the library?

This leaf is from one of the red redbuds. It's on the top of the wall around the enormous planter.

Turning 180, we see that they have planted grasses and flowers around the new parking lot. Fourth Ave. (on the other side of the lot) is where a lot of people (including moi) board the bus that takes them home. (Two buses in the pic, not one enormously long one.)

These pink flowers are on that plant with the white berries. These are teensy -- 1/3 inch, maybe?

Here are some with a berry.

I love this curved porch. This house has come down in the world, housing students. (It is on Fifth Ave., which is quite a busy street.)

In the "here's something you don't see every day" category.............

It's student move-in time. The people walking toward us appeared to be mom and dad and student daughter, and I think the guy with the kayak was helping someone move into one of the houses along Packard.

When I opened my office window, the light was strange. The sky was dark, but the walnut leaves glowed.....

Especially the lower ones, which are getting a jump on fall.

My office pelargonium again. Speaking of glowing......

These petals are fuchsia with coral near their bases. Very intense and alive, those colors.........

And my spider plant. Not glowing. But with an interesting mix of textures....



Anonymous said...

I got a giggle from the "stretch" bus. Put me in mind of the "sawing a lady in half" magic trick.

OK. That does speak to my mental instability... hehehe

I need orange said...


I have seen city transport that would be the length of two buses, with a swivel in the middle..... But not in this town. And I'm not sure they weren't more street-car-ish than bus-ish. Don't remember.....