Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 5, on the way home from Saline


On the way home from the fair, I stopped in at Target. They sometimes have 33-gallon trash bags, which really work better for us than the commonly-available 30-gallon bags. Alas, none to be found on the 5th.

But look what I spotted on the way out of the parking lot. See the big bird in the dead tree?

There was no reason not to pull over and walk closer, so I did.

This was a very big bird. Very big. As big as eagles we saw in Alaska.

Birders in the audience, please correct me, but I think this is a juvenile osprey.

How cool to get to see one! I hope it's ok. The tree in which it was sitting was between the parking lot of an enormous strip mall and a VERY busy 4-6 lane road. Target, et al, are out of town and on the edge of wilder territory than Ann Arbor. I hope this bird was ok and was just passing time watching cars....

(Gotta love that 12x optical zoom and Panasonic's image stabilizer!)

I believe I've commented on our dearth of rain. Here's what I mean......... Spotted as I walked over to get closer to that bird.

The ragged remnants of hurricane Gustav came through, but I bet we didn't get a half an inch of rain. We had a 3" deficit for August, and could really use a good steady inch or three.....


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