Wednesday, September 17, 2008

walking home, September 10


Downtown Home and Garden rose. I like the star shapes, I like the dried up naughty bits, and of course I like the orange.....

Urban grass. In one of the nice planters by a parking lot. The next three pics are plants in the same planter.

I didn't pay any attention at all to the plant on which this flower grew. A dahlia, perhaps? I'll try to remember to check, the next time I walk by.

Petunias. Chartreuse (centers) always nice with hot pink.....

Tradescantia? Look at the green stripe on the purple leaf..... Also still liking the verbena in the upper right.

I almost always prefer flowers to gritty urban stuff.

But I love these telephone poles...........

Here's the garden in front of Ann Arbor School of Yoga. They really took some trouble to make this garden beautiful during the whole growing season.

The aged willows in West Park.

Interesting grass. There was a lot of this, in this yard.

Autumn-flowering clematis.

And its excellent post-flower look.

Crab apple.

Tomato flowers.

Tomatoes, on the same plant as the flowers above. Look at the shoulders of the green one! I don't think I've ever had a tomato that looked like that.....

Brand-new sidewalk. Someone must have put plastic over it, to keep it from drying out too quickly. I like the resulting texture.

My favorite unknown weed, in the seeds-are-ripening stage.



Anonymous said...

I like your "eyes" better and better!
You are a good "see-er".

I need orange said...

Thank you, ma'am!

It is certainly the case that the more I look, the better I see. :-)