Tuesday, September 16, 2008

walking home, September 9


This is the first time I've been back by the trumpet vine since I noticed it a couple of weeks ago (and got only blurry pics....).

I'm liking the elf-hat cap thingies on the buds/flowers/seedpods.....

Look how big the seedpod is! These flowers are not petite. About 3" long, I'd say. The seedpod is longer. 4.5"?

This plant does not look leguminous to me, but the pods........

Walking on. Snapdragon.


We looked at these zinnias the last time I walked this way.

Chrysanthemum. I didn't expect to like this, much. (Lavender and white, not my favorite.) I like it better than I thought I would....... (Once again, the bottom line is "take the pic!")

In contrast to those other apples we've been looking at, this one seems quite perfect. Resisting the urge to pick it and find out!

Pokeweed. Most of the berries are purple now.

An attractive plant, but I don't let 'em grow in my yard, due to the toxicity.

Here's another poisonous plant.

Datura. This is a really big flower. Even past its prime, like this one, the bloom is probably 5" across.

I bet it's 9 or 10" long.......

I never noticed the fruits before. Goodness. Look at the spines. This is a very interesting plant..... I hope they will leave it here until the seed pods ripen and burst! I wonder what's inside..........



Anonymous said...

What's inside the datura seed pod?Seeeeeeeeeeds! and lots of them.

They look like green bell pepper seeds.
Wear gloves to break open the pods. They are pointy!!!

Once you get a datura established, it will come back from a root stock most years. I don't know about northern climates, but I had very regular bushes in my Texas yard.
Not everyone likes the smell of the plant, but I tend to like "plantey" smells.
And the flower is amazing!!

Love the sedum pic.

I need orange said...

I had a look yesterday when I went by the plant, and some of the pods have broken open. I need to keep an eye on it and see if I can see one (or more) before everything has fallen out.

The pods broke by splitting along (I think 3) lines, and the pointy ends curled out back up toward the stem, allowing the most space for seeds to fall out. I didn't see any seeds left inside......

I don't know if they are hardy here or not. This one is new this year.....

I haven't noticed a smell..... I'll have to try and notice!

I was wondering if I wanted to revisit the sedum and crop it just a leetle bigger so that touch in the lower right was a bit more.....

I love sedum..........

Anonymous said...

I think that tiny 'kiss' of pink in the lower right corner, sedum, is just perfect.
What it does to me is make me look, but not linger, and jumps me right to the pink of the flower.

The 'smell' of the datura leaves is the 'smell' part. Now that I am trying to decide what it smells like, I can't describe it...it's not sour, or spicy. It's distinct, like a tomato plant.
(hehehe, I said de-stink to describe a smell. It is late now, I should go to bed...)

The flower fragrance is subtle, but heady.
The seeds are the same tan color of the pod, and cling to the central membrane, but mostly they fall out. Ya gotta watch, vewy, vewy carefuwwy.

I need orange said...

Thanks. I appreciate hearing how you see it. I tend to be very very very literal, and sometimes probably use a bludgeon where a feather touch would work............... "Didja see that? Didja? Didja??????" :-) [snort, lol]

I should meander over there by that datura. It's on the other side of the block across the street from me, so about a one-minute walk. (I'm not in the office on Fridays!)

Don't you love how our brains work? "De-stink" in this context is a very clever and talented spelling, I think.

And I should go down the hill from my house on my own block, too, and see if that weed with the translucent seed-pod globes might have a flower.......