Saturday, November 29, 2008

walking home, November 19


The 19th was the day I walked home early with the intent of attempting to let the squirrel out.

It was a pretty nice day.

The sky, from my office.

The sky, and the tree the leaves came from, in a puddle under the tree.

Mums in front of a store.

Bradford pear, I think. These are older trees than most of the Bradford pears in town -- and the leaves are not as round, but I think it's a Bradford pear.

Another Bradford pear. The newer ones don't fruit.

Looking east into West Park.

Same image, with the "levels" black slider slid a good ways toward the center.

A different maple leaf, with a different kind of oak leaves.

More maple, this time with magnolia.

One last maple.



Gone2theDawgs said...

Looking a bit more like winter! Beautiful pics as always!

I need orange said...


Yeah, that snow is sort of a giveaway.... :-) We still have it, in shaded patches. It doesn't usually stay around so long, at this time of year.........